(AGENPARL) – mer 28 settembre 2022 [Ontario Logo]
Ontario Recognizes Fifth Annual Rowan’s Law Day
Province’s sport sector continues to honour Rowan Stringer’s memory as an international leader on concussion safety awareness
September 28, 2022
TORONTO — Today, Neil Lumsden, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, issued the following statement to commemorate the fifth Rowan’s Law Day in Ontario.
“In 2018, our government passed ground-breaking legislation and the first of its kind in Canada. Rowan’s Law has changed the way that Ontario sport organizations identify and address potential concussions.
Rowan’s Law Day, named in honour of Rowan Stringer’s memory, is commemorated in Ontario on the last Wednesday in September to raise awareness about concussions in sport. I want to thank Gordon and Kathleen Stringer for sharing Rowan’s story. For five years and counting, Ontario’s sport sector has made great strides in promoting awareness and developing educational resources on concussion safety.
We are the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass concussion safety legislation. As the cornerstone of a safe sport culture, Rowan’s Law has educated us on the signs and symptoms of concussions. It makes it mandatory for sport organizations to have a concussion code of conduct and protocols for removing injured athletes from play, and determining when they may return.
As a former professional football player who has remained active in sport as both a coach and parent, I know how important it is for everyone on a field of play to be aware of the seriousness of concussions. I spent years playing football at a position that required physical contact on each and every play. Sport was always fun to me. It made me a better person and increased my love of community. I will continue to work with our partners at all levels to make sure that a safe sport culture continues to grow in Ontario and across Canada.
Ontario is now an international leader in concussion safety. However, there is more work to be done. I strongly encourage all of Canada’s provinces and territories to join with us and follow Ontario’s example.
Rowan’s legacy is seen every day, at training, practices and games across our province. She will be remembered.”
Media Contacts
Alan Sakach
Press Secretary, Minister’s Office
Zakiah Lalani
Communications Branch