(AGENPARL) – dom 25 settembre 2022 [Manitoba Media Notice]
September 25, 2022
Manitoba Government Supporting Truth and Reconciliation Initiatives in Observance of Orange Shirt Day
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Community Events Support Healing, Learning, Relationship-building: Stefanson, Lagimodiere
As Orange Shirt Day approaches on Sept. 30, the Manitoba government is supporting community events and programming that promote awareness of the history and legacy of residential schools and encourage meaningful discussions on past and ongoing injustices, Premier Heather Stefanson and Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations Minister Alan Lagimodiere announced today.
“Sept. 30 is an important day for reflection, learning, listening, healing and reaffirming our collective commitment to work with Indigenous leaders, Knowledge Keepers, elders, survivors and all Manitobans to advance truth and reconciliation and move forward together to build a brighter future for all,” said Stefanson. “I encourage all Manitobans to take time to reflect on our province’s past, our path forward together, and to participate in events that promote healing and relationship-building.”
“As part of our commitment to the truth and reconciliation process, our government passed legislation in 2017 to recognize Sept. 30 as Orange Shirt Day, to encourage reflection and discussions about the trauma of residential schools on First Nations, Inuit and Métis people,” said Lagimodiere. “I am honoured to announce today that we are continuing to take purposeful action on our path to reconciliation by supporting a variety of initiatives that will support healing, learning and relationship-building.”
The Manitoba government is providing more than $370,000 to support community events and programming, including traditional ceremonies, cultural and artistic performances and healing supports, across the province leading up to Orange Shirt Day, also known as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, noted Lagimodiere.
Some of the initiatives receiving support include:
– Two-Spirited People of Manitoba’s sixth annual Two-Spirited Powwow;
– Brandon Urban Aboriginal People’s Council Truth and Reconciliation Week events at the Riverbank Discovery Centre;
– Wa Say Healing Centre Orange Shirt Day Powwow and Survivors Walk;
– Anish Corporation’s Memorial Round Dance to Honour Our Survivors;
– West Region Treaty 2 & 4 Health Services’ commemoration event;
– Cree Nation Tribal Health Centre’s Every Child Project/Journey to Healing event;
– Manitoba Museum’s three-day, free admission Orange Shirt Day event;
– National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s five-day educational program;
– Manitoba Moon Voices: Reconciliation Night music event;
– Manitoba Moon Voices: The Healing Video Project;
– Sagkeeng First Nation Health Centre’s traditional feast and fanning ceremony;
– Assiniboia Residential School Legacy Group commemorative monument and gathering event;
– The Pas Family Resource Centre round dance and barbecue;
– Manitoba Inuit Association Inuit self-care kits; and
– St. Adolphe Friendship Trail Walk.
The minister noted that as part of the provincial government’s observance of the day, non-essential government offices will be closed and flags at all provincial government buildings will be lowered to half-mast. The Legislative Building and the Memorial Park fountain will be lit orange. As well, all Manitoba schools will be closed.
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For more information:
– Public information, contact Manitoba Government Inquiry: 1-866-626-4862 or 204-945-3744.
– Media requests for ministerial comment, contact Communications and Stakeholder Relations: 204-451-7109.