(AGENPARL) – gio 01 settembre 2022 Crypto, CBDCs, and the future of finance. []
F&D Sept 2022 Issue:
Dear Colleague,
Rapid technological innovation is ushering in a new era of public and private digital money, with the potential to improve competition and efficiency and reduce costs. But some forms of digital money pose significant challenges, and not all of them will prove viable.
In our September 2022 edition of F&D Magazine we focus on the ongoing money revolution and its implications for finance, monetary policy, international capital flows, and society at large.
We also provide a look at how this money transformation is playing out for ordinary people around the world, from Indonesia’s “Silicon Bali” entrepreneurs to India’s digitally savvy youth and Africa’s small business owners.
We hope our readers learn a thing or two about the fast-changing financial landscape from this edition. We certainly did.
F&D Team
Stay Engaged
Nick Owen
Senior Editor
F&D Magazine
P.S. As always, this issue of F&D will soon be available in español, français, ????, ???????, ?? and ???.
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