(AGENPARL) – WASHINGTON lun 27 giugno 2022
Next month, two members of the Law Library team will present at this year’s American Association of Law Libraries annual conference in Denver, Colorado.
On Monday, July 18, Law Librarian of Congress Aslihan Bulut will participate in a discussion entitled “Leading Remote Teams.” In this program, panelists from various settings will talk about the challenges with leading remote teams and what leaders should do going forward to succeed in a remote and hybrid environment. Participants will learn the differences between remote, hybrid, and dispersed teams; the challenges of leading remote workers; and tips they can use to ensure the success of remote teams. This program will benefit all library employees across all library types and sizes, though managers and directors will see the most benefits from this session.

Library card catalog. Photo by Flickr user AKT.UZ: Axborot-kutubxona tizimlari. November 29, 2018. Used under CC0 1.0
On Tuesday, July 19, senior legal information specialist Jennifer Gonzalez will be participating in the presentation “When Two Worlds Collide: Using Catalogue Records as Metadata.” From the event registration page:
A recent project at the Library of Congress began using catalogue records as metadata for digital items, instead of the previous hand-curated metadata. With records back to the 1940s, the new results were inconsistent and inaccurate. The law cataloguing team began a project to review and update these records to increase access and functionality to the digital collections and searching. This session will review that project and look at ways the law cataloguing team was able to overcome this challenge.
This session will see the speakers describe some management challenges, as well as how ultimately updating skills and catalogue rules can lead to direct feedback in technical services, better access for users, and a more united library system. Participants will be able to define and distinguish the difference between catalogue records and metadata and understand why the differences are important, while being introduced to different solutions for looking at these types of problems and combining the physical world with the digital world. Technical services librarians, reference librarians, and supervisors will benefit from this presentation.
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Fonte/Source: https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2022/06/law-library-presenting-at-2022-aall/