(AGENPARL) – LONDON lun 27 giugno 2022

Added link to measles social media banner.
Added Immunisation information for migrants.
Added link to the updated MMR, MenACWY and COVID-19 vaccines communications toolkit for universities.
Added link to Hepatitis B vaccination programmes.
Updated Tuberculosis section.
Added link to the BCG vaccination programme collection.
Added link to the MMR, MenACWY and COVID-19 vaccines communications toolkit for universities.
Added the use of human and animal products in vaccines guide.
Added the COVID-19 vaccination programme link.
Added immunisation update webinars for primary care immunisers.
Added flu immunisation training recommendations.
Added Immunisation training guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Added link to the pneumococcal infant programme.
Added ‘MMR catch-up for 10 to 11 year old children: information for GPs’ to the MMR section of the collection.
Added link to ‘FMD guidance for recipients of PHE supplied vaccines’.
Added the UK and international immunisation schedules comparison tool and link to the HPV universal programme collection.
Added link to the measles blog.
Added Measles: a resource for local government to measles collection.
Added ‘BCG: which vaccine should you use poster’ document.
Added ‘visual guide to vaccines poster’.
Added immunisations resources for schools.
Added training slide set link for BCG Vaccine AJV.
Added BCG transition to licensed vaccine letter to Tuberculosis section.
Added Protecting your children during outbreak: immunisation in schools.
Added Measles and rubella elimination UK publication to the MMR section.
Added link to the HPV for MSM programme page.
Added link to the current e-learning course.
Added Measles: protect yourself, protect others leaflet.
Added the national minimum standards and core curriculum for immunisation training for registered healthcare practitioners guidance document.
Added the HPV vaccination for men who have sex with men evaluation report
Added measles poster and leaflets to raise awareness of measles outbreaks.
Added immunisation in pregnancy training resources.
Vaccination timeline infographic updated to include the hexavalent combination vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB).
Added leaflet: HPV vaccination guide from September 2017.
Added guidance on the infant hexavalent combination vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB).
Add ‘MMR leaflet: Have you had your MMR?’.
New HPV factsheet for health professionals.
New template letter for parents of babies who missed BCG immunisation
Added guidance for the unlicensed BCG vaccine, in response to a vaccine shortage: training material for healthcare professionals; advice for healthcare professionals; guide for parents and carers.
Addied immunisation infographics to the collection.
New leaflet: Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby which describes the vaccinations that help protect you and your baby during and after pregnancy.
Added letter about expiry extension for SSI BCG vaccine batch 114022A.
Added: Responding to cold chain failures involving the LAIV.
Added ‘Immunisations for young people’ leaflet, updated to match the current schedule.
Updated with current leaflet about pre-school immunisations.
Added immunisation training resources: competence assessment tool and quality framework.
Added leaflet on vaccines and porcine gelatine.
Added details of introduction of MenB and MenACWY vaccines.
The following have been added to the collection under ‘vaccine handling and protocols’: off-label vaccine: leaflets; cold chain leaflet: vaccines stored outside the recommended temperature range
Added links to vaccine in pregnancy surveillance advice.
Added vaccine incident guidance, one page guide for patients with incomplete or uncertain histories, and guidance about porcine gelatine content in Fluenz(R). Restructured with better headings.
Vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough) for pregnant women guidance added under documents and pertussis (whooping cough) headings.
Updated to add ‘Use of Infanrix-IPV+Hib in the infant schedule: information for healthcare professionals’ guidance.
Updated to include routine childhood immunisations from July 2014
Added letter about schedule change to HPV vaccination programme.
Updated to include links to the complete routine immunisation schedule from summer 2014 and new vaccines for 2014 poster.
Meningitis C leaflet for university students added. Grouped documents by topic. Removed documents that are available from their own topic collections.
The guidance ‘Protocol for ordering, storing and handling vaccines’ was added to the collection.
Removed vaccine uptake documents from this collection; collected separately in ‘vaccine uptake’ collection.
Updated the immunisation section to add a link for ordering publications online; revised description of some document links.
Added ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in GP patients 1 September 2013 to 31 December 2013’ and ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in healthcare workers 1 September 2013 to 31 December 2013’
Added ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in healthcare workers 1 September 2013 to 30 November 2013’ and ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in GP patients 1 September 2013 to 30 November 2013’.
Added ‘Annual HPV vaccine coverage 2012 to 2013: by PCT and SHA’ and ‘Annual HPV vaccine coverage 2012 to 2013: by PCT and area team’.
Added ‘Pertussis vaccination programme for pregnant women 2012 to 2013: monthly data by area team (England)’.
Added ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake data for GP Patients: provisional monthly data for 1 September 2013 to 31 October 2013’ and ‘Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in healthcare workers 2013-2014: provisional monthly data for 1 September 2013 to 31 October 2013’.
Added poster promoting flu jabs to those at risk.
Added ‘Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake monthly survey 2013 to 2014 user guide’, ‘Prenatal pertussis vaccine uptake surveys 2013 to 2014 quick reference guide’ and a revised version of the ‘Prenatal pertussis vaccine uptake surveys 2013 to 2014 user guide’.
First published.
Fonte/Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/immunisation